SNKRDUNK has guidelines for each item category in order to ensure that sellers and buyers can list and purchase items safely and securely.

Items that violate our guidelines or the rules listed in the related articles may be canceled even if a transaction has started. Also, cancellation fees (10% of the price) may be charged if the transaction is canceled. We ask that all users confirm each of the following statements and use our service in accordance with all rules and guidelines.

【About items that do not meet our guideline standards】

If an item does not meet our guideline standards, the transaction will be canceled and the item will be returned to the seller. The sellers are responsible for any incurred customs duties/taxes when the item is shipped back. Please note that if the condition of the item does not meet our guideline standards, the seller may be charged for the shipping costs of returning the item.

For more information, please refer to the following guidelines for each category and pack and ship your items before the shipping deadline.

Steps for listing an item ~ completing the transaction

Please refer to the description on the Step-by-Step Guide to Listing Items.

Guidelines and rules for listing items

We have rules for each item category, as the points of authentication and inspection vary depending on the items.

All users are required to read the guidelines for the relevant item categories.

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【About listing information】

Please select all listing information correctly, including item size/style code, condition (if applicable) and shipping deadline. For all listings, sellers are required at the time of listing to select the shipping deadline calculated when a transaction starts.

What if I can't ship my item by the shipping deadline?